A portion of the pension interest assigned to the non-member spouse in terms of a decree of divorce may not be paid out when parties are married out of community of property, the Pension Funds Adjudicator has ruled. Muvhango Lukhaimane, Pension Funds Adjudicator Muvhango Lukhaimane has ...
How do you determine the status (CP or SP) on property brought to Texas from another state, at the point in time when no divorce is pending? *First: apply the inception of title rule-if the property bought in Texas was acquired part in cash and part in a promissory note, the two co...
Boards and Committee The following a,ppointments were made: James Drake, Advis- ory Pl'anning Board; Robert Trumbule, Community Relations Board; Miary ·Geiger, Park and Recreation !Advisory Board; 'Lida C'hut1chville, Board of Elections; Beverly Lynch and Dorothy Ro- sen:baum, Crime ...
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Retirement might be a long way off for you, or it may be knocking on your door. Either way, your current self and your future self are inseparable; you cannot divorce or sack yourself; you are togethe...