Community Medical Centers (CMC) is a network of 22 neighborhood health centers based in Stockton, California. Started as a volunteer effort in the 1960s to serve agricultural workers, it has grown into a thriving nonprofit providing vital care to men, women, and children, regard...
de Vries a psychiatrist with the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Amsterdam University Medical Centers, who, like her colleagues, has published widely on pediatric gender issues for many years. In a commentary published in the October 2020 issue of Pediatrics, de Vries writes: ...
Graddy, MD; Michael Fingerhood, MD JAMA Internal Medicine Key Points Question Is a standardized intervention delivered by community health workers effective for improving clinical outcomes across a Veterans Affairs medical center, a federally qualified health center, and an academic family practice clinic...
Daniel Witt, Arya Shah, Tabetha Brockman, Carrie Bronars, and Autumn Timm at Mayo Clinic; Yvette Barrows, Agnes Roland, Sara Stockton, and Matthew Scott at YKHC; as well as the Bethel Pre-Maternal Home staff and YKDRH Women’s Health Department staff, including Brenda Lamont and Ann Glashee...