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Contributions from employees at FLS Tucson Operations (US) resulted in more than 300 toys and bikes being donated to a Salvation Army Christmas programme supporting children in need. Inspiring young people in the sciences In August 2022, more than 100 families participated in the annual FLS Science...
Lambda Legal New York, New York National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) San Francisco, California National Center for Transgender Equality Washington, D.C. National LGBTQ Task Force Washington, DC. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Washington, D.C. The Trevor Project...
multi-lingual communities. Potential barriers to obtaining certification mentioned were numerous, such as literacy level, training costs, availability of certification in languages other than English, education requirements, and legal residence status. Further, participants believed the many ...
to carry concealed weapons ing rampage in Tucson, le- slave system by using its cent to 42 percent. When I was growing up in the on us as if we were still in the gally purchased his semi-au- newly acquired constitu- However, people of color 1950s and 1960s, if I got in a wild...
(S/V), a grey Hyundai Tucson, traveling northbound I-110, north of SR-91 in the #1 lane. The vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed. I accelerated to catch up to the vehicle and was able to obtain a pace of 91 miles per hour. The S/V merged into the express lanes, ...
Society for Ecological Restoration International, Tucson, AZ Stevens, CE, Gabor, TS, Diamond, AW (2003) Use of Restored Small Wetlands by Breeding Waterfowl in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Restoration Ecology 11: pp. 3-12 CrossRef Stotts, VD, Davis, DE (1960) The Black Duck in the ...
If we're counting legal votes, Trump wins hands down. I'm confident your fantasies involve being the boy toy for Chinese agents. That they're male didn't change your fantasy much did it? You're really obsessed with gay men lately. Add this post to your fantasy that ...
Rival, L. Huaorani Transformations in Twenty-First-Century Ecuador: Treks into the Future of Time; University of Arizona Press: Tucson, AZ, USA, 2016; p. 339. [Google Scholar] Wasserstrom, R. Surviving the Rubber Boom: Cofán and Siona Society in the Colombia-Ecuador Borderlands (1875–1955...