Institute for Sustainable Futures (2006) The Economic Value of Community Legal Centres (for Combined Community Legal Centres Group NSW and National Association of Community Legal Centres). Authors: Nicholas Edgerton and Emma Partridge. Available at: (Accessed 3 May 2007)...
Review of the Disability Services Act 1993 (NSW) The DSA should be amended to provide for a further review five years from the date on which this Report is tabled in Parliament. The purpose of the review would be to determine whether the objectives of the Act remain valid and the terms....
Your colleagues in The Professional Staff Union would like to invite you to become a member. The Community & Public Sector Union (CPSU) is the only dedicated Professional Staff union in the Higher Education sector with thousands of members employed throughout NSW universities, TAFE and public scho...
visually, in P2P experience not the other way round in a way that is intellectually rigorous and replicable – a community of practice so to speak from our 'co-authoring' readers. For Jim Prentice, CRAFT is a chance to join the headlands of the urban centres to the heartslands of the ...
The Aboriginal Legal Service, Community Legal Centres, Legal Aid NSW and private solicitors undertaking legal aid work all have a role in meeting the legal needs of disadvantaged communities in rural, regional and remote (RRR) parts of NSW. Yet there are reports that staff shortages are ...
Sector: The Case of Community Resource Centres nutritional, play, family visiting, drop-in, educa- tional, cultural, and social action programs, all for free. The centres are located in neighbourhoods where one-third of the families need social assist- ance and the median household i... S ...
Only one centre had a designated pharmacist and this was a part-time position.The delivery of medication at most centres is a fairly ad hoc arrangement with staff organising medication as best as they can. At times the supply of medication to patients fails to comply with legal and New ...
University of Newcastle Summerland Point NSW AustraliaJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Clinical NursingJeong S, Ohr S, Pich J, Saul P, Ho A. ``Planning ahead'' among community-dwelling older people from culturally and linguisti- cally diverse background: a cross-sectional survey. J Clin ...
and the same program provided within three KU Children’s Services mainstream preschools in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia (KU Dissemination sites—KUD), for children with an ASD diagnosis. It aimed to examine any differences in response to receiving the ESDM intervention in the autis...
While contributing to the consolidation of ownership and capital, it was reported that the changes to distance specifications and the exceptions created for shopping centres undermine the credibility of the location rules. Rather than distance- or shopping centre-based rules, population density and geosp...