As hospitals across the metro area close their doors to the community, Emory Smyrna Hospital has announced its permanent closure ... visibility829 Views Business, Community, Health, National, News Ice cream products recalled over possible listeria contamination admin July 7, 2024 Millions of Ame...
As hospitals across the metro area close their doors to the community, Emory Smyrna Hospital has announced its permanent closure ... visibility794 Views Business, Community, Health, National, News Ice cream products recalled over possible listeria contamination admin July 7, 2024 Millions of Ame...
Others I visited were less well equipped and operated out of community centres or had rooms within hospitals or health centres. Mutuelle Taw-Feex in Biscuiterie operated from a school computer room. Buildings and paint feature regularly as signs of hope in studies of health infrastructure in the...
A total of 27 CSWs involving 526 stakeholders were conducted. A total of 256 cancer patients were assessed for PC needs and symptom burden using the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators (SPICT-4ALL) and the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) tool, respectively. Based on the SPICT as...
working at the intersection of health and social justice, predominantly as volunteers. CHWs were more recently employed by health departments, clinics, and hospitals, driven by single source funding opportunities. (Other stakeholders described CHWs andpromotores de saludas interchangeable titles but serving...
What’s worse, phone lines and most businesses were out of service. Hospitals admitted at least 60 people with storm-related injuries and transferred at least nine badly injured patients to Nashville hospitals.In southern Indiana, the storms damaged some areas with golf ball-sized hail. High ...
Women of color, environmental justice, and ecofeminism. In Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature; Karen, W., Ed.; Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana, 1997; pp. 38–81. [Google Scholar] Schlosberg, D. Reconceiving Environmental Justice: Global Movements and Political Theories. Environ....
Despite the reduced in-person medical visits, heavier workload was another issue commonly raised, not only because many care providers across the hospitals in the country had to take turns becoming COVID-19 frontline workers at various government COVID-19 testing and treatment centers, but also ...
35]. Examples from these case studies highlight the particular ways in which these workers are effective at drawing on their local knowledge and ingenuity to assuage these deleterious factors. As these workers spend the majority of their time outside of the halls of hospitals and clinics, their...