In India, forestry development paradigms, other than community based ones, have become anachronistic and should be rejected in order to make further headway. The present method of forestry development, referred to as a scientific management system has been practiced for the last 130 years. However ...
Ghosh, ChandraniJayasuriya, ManeeshaSpringer NetherlandsSmall-scale ForestryGermain, R. Ghosh, C., Jayasuriya, M. 2017. Community forestry in the state of Uttarakhand India: Not meeting the needs of the villagers, Small-scale Forestry, 1-18....
community forestryneoliberal conservationgovernmentalityassemblagenarrativesUttarakhandIndiaRecent contributions to conservation literature are concerned with the neoliberal turn in environmental governance. By putting a financial value on 'ecological services', it is argued that nature becomes subjected to capitalist...
Constructing a gender policy for joint forest management in India Policy makers and advocates of joint forest management (JFM) agree that women should be full participants and that their involvement is especially importan... Locke,C - 《Develop Change》 被引量: 51发表: 1999年 Social forestry an...
SOCIAL FORESTRYSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THEORYDeforestation has impoverished many rural communities in developing countries that depend on forests for their basic needs. Contemporary sustainable development (SD) theory focuses on how to meet the basic needs of the poor while conserving the resource base on...
forestry.Forexample,Gautametal.(2004b),foundsignificantimprovementinCF forestcoveroverthe25yearsfrom1976.Likewise,Gilmouretal.(2004)identified improvements in soil erosion control and water conservation in areas where communities have been able to regenerate forest cover in previously degraded land. ...
Forestry Geography Scientific community Social sciences Water resources Latest Research and Reviews Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of pawak croaker (Pennahia pawak) Lihua Jiang Peng Zheng Xiaojun Yan ResearchOpen Access10 Mar 2025Scientific Data ...
Community forestry ideas in India are very much project related and often collapse or dissipate in their essence of involving and engaging communities in planning and implementing decision-making once the project is over. Hence the work with communities focused on their choices of improving local fore...
Community Forestry in Nepal at the Cross-Roads: Where Do We Go? Narayan Kaji Shrestha Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH), Nepal 1. INTRODUCTION Nepal known for Country for the Mt. Everest and the Himalays is also is known as the Country of Community ...
Dawe: You have to bring in a bunch of trained forestry personnel to go use government-issued blue spray paint to mark which trees to cut or not cut. To pick my home state here, California has the labor force to do that type of preparation for, it’s hard to say exa...