“diet phase,” but a daily choice I’m making, which is also a very different mindset than I’m not necessarily used to. For example, I used to go on diets that I would think were temporary and I’d lose the weight during that temporary time period and exercise while in that phase...
FACTSHEET Sept 2017 Popul. 2017; 1–2. http://www.healthpolicyplus.com/ns/pubs/7149-7286_EbonyiRAPIDFactSheet.pdf. Accessed 03 Feb 2023. National Population Commission (NPC) [Nigeria], ICF. Nigeria Demographic Health Survey 2018. DHS Progr ICF Rockville, Maryland, USA. 2019; 748. https:...
Access to antibiotic medications is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for good health and well-being. However, non-prescribed and informal sources are implicated as the most common causes of inappropriate antibiotic access practices,
Access to antibiotic medications is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for good health and well-being. However, non-prescribed and informal sources are implicated as the most common causes of inappropriate antibiotic access practices,
China Martens is a single mother of a grown daughter from Baltimore, Maryland. She is the author of The Future Generation: The Zine-Book for Subculture Parents, Kids, Friends and Others and coeditor of Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind: Concrete Ways to Support Families in Social Justice Move...
It’s an amino acid-based formula for your baby’s first year. It’s hypoallergenic. It contains a unique fat blend with MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) that may help children with fat malabsorption. It has linoleic acid to support a healthy heart. It’s lactose-free and glu...
“We are sorry and truly heartbroken by this decision, but there was truly no other choice,” Miller posted on Facebook. She attended many local concerts and events, selling sandwiches, pie and other food to help promote the business. ...
While choice is in principle positive, neither the CLA nor draft Regulations under the CLA explicates the implications. A case may be made that choice undermines the realization of customary title as equal to freehold title. This argument has been made in Uganda, but in circumstances where ...
“Health-related behavior is not just a matter of personal free choice and individual responsibility, but rather needs to be placed within a broader context that emphasizes structural constraints as well as choices” [35] (p. 42). To articulate correlations between the microscale of people and ...
One recent example is Jacob LeMay, pictured here, who as a nine-year old prompted Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren to commit to seeking Jacob’s input and guidance on her choice for Secretary of Education. This wasn’t Jacob’s first time in the spotlight, either. As a transgender ...