Yes, starting with Nimble OS 6.1.x, hosts are able to send data across fibre channel connections to the active and standby controllers. From the host perspective, it's 8 paths to the storage. From the array perspective, connections to the active controller show up has active paths a...
ip ospf network point-to-point!interface Loopback1ip add !interface Loopback3ip address!interface Loopback4ip address interface GigabitEthernet0/0description ***Connected to Vodafone Fibre GPON***no ip addressip nat o...
ip ospf network point-to-point!interface Loopback1ip add !interface Loopback3ip address!interface Loopback4ip address interface GigabitEthernet0/0description ***Connected to Vodafone Fibre GPON***no ip addressip nat o...
Also, expect a static IP address, unlimited data, tech support, quick setup and service-level agreements with money back guarantee. Community Fibre broadband will be delivered straight to your business premises using FTTP cables. What Community Fibre speeds can I expect? Speeds start at an ...
It is a new fibre to the home setup and did not want to change anything. I visited someone who lives in a different area, tried the update again from their home and successfully updated the iPad to OS 17. Today, at home again, I tried updating my iPad to 17.0.3 and it was ...
Yes, starting with Nimble OS 6.1.x, hosts are able to send data across fibre channel connections to the active and standby controllers. From the host perspective, it's 8 paths to the storage. From the array perspective, connections to the active controller show up has act...
IP Address:"Not Available"IP Subnet:"Not Available"MAC Address:"f8:f2:1e:7d:14:d0"Location:"04:00.0"Manufacturer:"Intel Corporation"Net Connection ID:"Not Available"Port:"FIBRE"Power Management:"Supports Wake-on: g"Power Management:"Wake-on: g"Speed:"10000Mb/s"Supported lin...
Added support for AirOS and AirFibre from UBNT .scrutinizer.yml Always wondered why scrut complains about this code still!! Merge pull requestlibrenms#1558from spinza/contributionupdate CHANGELOG Remove remaining live references to ...
Issue 13: Remote transmission links Failure To verify HA of the system when Fibre Channel remote transmission links are faulty between the two sites. Dorado 2100 NAS Storage: Classification Name and link Note Test Suit Issue 1:Test Overview and Cases Basic Configuration Issue 2: NFS Share Issue...
Added support for AirOS and AirFibre from UBNT Apr 4, 2015 .scrutinizer.yml Always wondered why scrut complains about this code still!! Apr 1, 2015 I agree to the conditions of the Contributor Agreement Apr 2, 2015 CHANGELOG ...