COMMUNITY TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Free Training Programs - Registration open now! COMMUNITY INNOVATION & IMPROVEMENT Featured Projects PODCAST: AGING, A NEW REALITY The CTDC as an organization have been focused on the impact of an aging population not only as it affects our employment market and ...
Economic DevelopmentEconomic FactorsJob TrainingLand UseRetrainingSchool Community RelationshipTwo Year CollegesEconomic development is tied in most states t o the community college's role in training and retraining of employees to meet industry needs....
Community colleges should continue to play their historical role in supporting economic development through workforce education and training.doi:10.1002/he.9707Jerry W. YoungJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.New Directions for Higher EducationYoung, Jerry W. (Spring, 1997) "Community Economic Development Through...
It is imperative to address such global problems as sluggish economic growth, shortcomings in economic governance, and imbalanced economic development. It is no longer acceptable that only a few countries dominate world economic development, control economic rules, and enjoy development fruits. 共建“一...
Solid employment skills are the key to self-sufficiency and economic mobility. That’s why we help so many different populations gain the training and education they need to succeed. We have numerous partnerships with various nonprofits and local mayors all over the U.S. Together, we mentor, ...
Jobs and Economic Development "Job-centered economic development" integrates approaches from the fields of economic development, employment training, social services and community development. Its strategies focus on connecting disadvantaged adults and youth to famil... RP Giloth - 《Wind Turbine Manufactu...
CEDF revitalizes Connecticut's distressed neighborhoods by providing small business loans, business advice, mentoring, training and education and support for community economic development.
A seminal work on community development that includes practice, theory, research, and training. Chaskin, R., P. Brown, S. Venkatesh, and A. Vidal. 2001.Building community capacity. New York: Aldine DeGruyter. Provides a conceptual framework for community development by outlining four areas of ...
The two sides agreed to strengthen defence cooperation, continue to hold joint exercises and training, advance collaboration in such fields as medical services and logistics, personnel training and mine clearance, and jointly fight cross-border crimes such as online gambling, telecom fraud and drug tr...
Our history across our unique geographical footprint means we have people, skills and connection with employers in markets where one of the biggest economic challenges is growing youth unemployment. Globally, 282 million young people are not in employment, education or training, of whom over 60 per...