Community colleges offer associate degrees, certificates, and even bachelor’s degrees, yet they’re often overlooked when it comes to higher education options. However, they offer students a great opportunity to earn college credit at a fraction of the cost of attending a four-year university. I...
The Symphonic Band was conducted by Dr. John C. Coggiola from Setnor School of Music at Syracuse University. The band performed On Parade, by Amanda C.E. Eldridge; Cloudburst, by Eric Whitacre; Homage to A Dream, by Mark Camphouse; and Ride, by Samuel R. Hazo. Posted inachievements Re...
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, The Maa Trust received $5 per guest per night from various camps within neighboring conservancies. Tourism operators supported The Maa Trust to ensure that the benefits of conservancies extend beyond just male landowners, to also reach to women, youth and children....
Participants in public venues were provided a questionnaire in quiet spaces at or near those venues. Questionnaires were only given if a parent or a guardian was present to provide consent. The questionnaire took approximately 45 min to complete, and upon the completion of the questionnaire, ...