Profiles and historical statistics of over 1,500 community colleges in the USA. Help with finding the right school.
For the 2024-25 school year, there are 39 community colleges serving 123,671 students in Iowa (17 public colleges and 22 private colleges). The average tuition for community colleges in Iowa is approximately $4,331 per year for in-state students and $4,920 for out-of-state students. For...
South Dakota is home to iconic national and international monuments including Crazy Horse Memorial and Mount Rushmore. South Dakota is also home to an array of smaller colleges and universities that international students can call home. While South Dakota State University is the state's largest unive...
The joy buzzer,invented in 1928, was a prank devicecomprising a coiled spring inside a disc worn in the palm. When the wearer shakes hands with another person, a button on the disc releases the spring, which quickly unwinds, creating a vibration that feels like a minor electric shock to ...
In addition to Professor Kessler’s innovative toy lab curriculum, the Microsoft Curriculum Program at the Academic Cooperative site offers materials from more than 300 universities and colleges nationwide covering more than 800 courses. Faculty can learn how Wayne State Univers...