社区大学转学CSU,主要有三种形式,包括ADT,Upper-Division Transfer和Lower-Division Transfer。 ADT全称Associate Degree for Transfer转学副学士学位,类似于CSU的录取保证学位。满足CSU最低入学要求的学生将保证优先录取。 ADT申请要求 - 在申请时,已经获得或正在完成经批准的ADT学位 - 在专业或重点领域完成至少18个学期...
这里25个选修的学分,任何来自表格2里提供的课程都可以填充进来。 在填写这样计划表的时候注意不要随便乱填,咱们需要根据UC系统的 UC Transfer Planning Guide 来填表。 需要在满足UC Transfer PlanningGuide的同时满足这份Community College Planning Guide. UC Transfer planning guide(Major in Mathematics) English Commu...
Community college transfers to UC up Outreach to students brings increase in minority enrollments in unversitiesSTAFF WRITER
How to transfer to Ivy League from community college. Or, become a community college transfer to a tier one university. Learn more today!
Dual Admission gives students a pathway to earn a bachelor's degree at a CSU or UC. HBCU Transfer Opportunities Our program guarantees admission to more than 30 Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Try Our Transfer Tool Plan your transfer from community college to a college/university to...
The agreement will apply to students who begin community college in fall 2019. The courses will lead to an associate degree for transfer into UC. Applicants may not get into their first choice, but will be admitted into one of the nine undergraduate UC campuses. ...
There's no better way to kick off your higher education than attending a California community college. Nearly 80,000 students transfer from community colleges to guaranteed saved spots at UC, CSU, HBCU and private, not-for-profit campuses every year. We are the nation's leading workforce trai...
Reports on the rejection of transferees from community colleges by the University of California (UC) at Berkeley because of its financial problem in 2003. Plan to cut enrollment growth at the UC; Information on the state's Master Plan for Higher Education; Comments from David Ward, president ...
不太有钱的也有各种state university,剩下的就来了community college。刚开始有点担心我这教的都得是...
众所周知,转学协议是西海岸学校,特别是UC系列学校的一个办学特色,可以让学生从两年制的社区大学转入排名靠前的UC名校,既节约了学费,也降低了进入名校的申请难度。但是在东海岸,同样高性价比的社区大学有么?今天做一个介绍。 一. 邦克山...