speech′ commu`nity n. the aggregate of all the people who use a given language or dialect. [1930–35] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
This study sought to explore a regional community's awareness of speech pathology as the impetus for considering future directions pertaining to awareness and understanding of the scope of practice of this profession. Design An anonymous online survey was created using questions from previously validated...
This study investigates (a) the provision of speech-language pathology (SLP) services and community resources in Hong Kong for persons with aphasia (PWA) and their families and (b) family members' perception of the service quality. A self-administered 42-item questionnaire was distributed in two...
Baguio college probed over mandatory pregnancy tests I hope to work in community dentistry so that I have a way to give back and help. MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Community dentistry and oral epidemiology, 1999; 27 (2): 109-116. BURNOUT IN POST GRADUATE STUDENTS ENROLLED IN BASIC DENTAL SCIENCES KARACHI...
“The industry is changing from traditional manufacturing to an industry 4.0 environment,” said Dean Daniel Pack, UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science. “Mechatronics is a new discipline that teaches students to prepare for those types of careers.” DENSO Robotics donated two COBOTTAs fo...
Is President Obama's Plan for Free Community College Right for America? President Obama recently introduced a plan to deliver free Community College tuition to all Americans across the country. Is it the right call?In this story, we will not attempt to make a judgment cal...
ranging from 0 to 25 h per week. The type and quantity of interventions accessed by theCommunity Servicesgroup were representative of the early interventions generally accessed by Australian pre-schoolers, who mostly engage in low-frequency allied health services (i.e., speech pathology and occupat...
The number and type of staff running memory clinics vary. The professionals commonly involved are psychiatrists,geriatricians,neurologists, psychologists, and nurses, as well as speech therapists, social workers, and occupational therapists. Staffing levels vary as does the amount of any specific type...
From those studies included, data concerning the study (authors, publication date, country, sample size, objective and pathology, study duration, inclusion criteria), the intervention (professionals involved, intervention type or practice collaboration), and measures to assess the intervention effect (mai...
Lowe Professor of Neurology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York; receiving support from the Migraine Research Foundation and the National Headache Foundation; serving on the editorial board of Neurology, as senior advisor to Headache, and as associate editor to Cephalalgia; being ...