student. Our programs are established on the fact that God’s word is the standard of truth—guiding our school’s focus, purpose, and direction. Our Christian culture and education standpoint is simply an extension of what is taught first by parents in the home and through the local church...
Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) is a gall wasp that induces insect galls on chestnut trees and results in massive yield losses worldwide. Fungi can cause the necrosis of chestnut trees and the death of gall wasps. The aim of this research
(McMurdo Sta Communications Crew - W/O 81) - Chambersburg, Pa. email Loved the ice and great people. Andrew McDiarmid (McMurdo 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990) - Houston, Texas email Worked as the Morale Welfare and Recreation Petty Officer 1986-1991....
Presently, an insurgence is taking place in which Blacks are reclaiming Black bodies, Black community history, and Black responsibility. I employed the theoretical concepts of Cultural Community Capital and the conceptualization of two vectors-the vector