Carrie-Anne began her early dance career at the Avril Earl Dance and Theatre Arts Centre. At 19, she moved to London to continue her training at The Centre Performing Arts College. Since 2005, she has been a core member of ZooNation Dance Company, where she wears many hats — including ...
Community detection is a key task in the study of large networks, which has recently become a very important area of research [1,2,3]. Although there are no generally accepted definitions of network communities, it is usually agreed that a community is defined as a group of nodes that have...
In: National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE), IIT Kanpur Mustafaraj E, Yardım Y (2016) Usage of ferrocement jacketing for strengthening of damaged unreinforced masonry (URM) walls. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international balkans conference on challenges of civil engineering,...
In this post, I have borrowed “Building software is an expensive way to learn” into the architecture space to remind us to learn as cheaply as fits the design problem of the moment. This post uses “probe” in its dual sense — (i) to explore (in this case, with our mind aided ...
The analysis examined the impact of measures in two phases, the first being establishment of the Sobering-up Shelter and restrictions on take-away sales, the second being commencement of the Night Patrol and the Alcohol Centre. A time series analysis found that none of the measures had a ...
Changes are reviewed by TDWG's Technical Architecture Group (TAG:, a set of volunteer members with broad interest and expertise in web- based interoperability. The TAG determines if the proposed changes are compatible with Darwin Core and ...
Birds were recorded using audio-visual point counts during breeding times (March-June), at the centre of each respective grassland plot (50 m × 50 m). This was done every year between 2008 and 2012 and again in 2018. Records were available for 72–128 plots per year, with fou...
This can be explained since Azospirillum induces changes in plant root architecture, promoting the development of lateral and adventious roots and root hairs39. Moreover, Bdellovibrio spp. is a bacterial genus known for unique predatory behaviour, as they attack other Gram negatives, penetrate their...