Corporate Office:941 Wheatland Ave. Suite 403 Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)735-9590 Jo A. Raff, A.R.M, Broker of Record Name: Email: Phone: You Are Inquiring AboutMaintenance RequestPartnership OpportunityEmployment OpportunityGeneral Inquiry ...
Macroinvertebrate community response to a restored stream in Lancaster County, PAAlex M. Rittle
MakerShift: Build Your own Serverless functions w/ FaaS Austin Frey Harrisburg, PA 06-May-2017 Dockercon closing keynote - Cool Hacks Alex Ellis Dockercon, Austin 20-April-2017 TechLancaster Austin Frey Lancaster, PA 18-April-2017 ETH Polymese Brian Christner Zürich 04-April-2017 Operationalizi...
When you write a glowing review of a new restaurant on Google Local, hundreds or thousands of other people see that. Some of them will be moved to check out the place and spend money there. You’ve just helped a new business succeed, in a very real way. How is that a time-suck?
The Church Challenge RCT works within churches (level 2) and with individuals (level 1) and is designed to examine the effectiveness of community-designed, community-based, multilevel physical activity and nutrition program (PANP) relative to an enhanced treatment as usual-the Health and Wellness...
tools and links. We hope you find the information provided here helpful. Tools and Information - IDD. Bureau of Autism Services Virtual Training Center. Human Services Research Institute. National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals. Parent to Parent of PA. The ARC of the United States. How...
Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Latino Children, Physical Activity and the Parks System - 2010 向介质发送键盘焦点 Faculty Research Project Primary Investigator: Mallika Bose This study was part of a 2009 - 2010 Worldwide University Network (WUN) funded project titled: Immigrants, Place, and Cross Cultural...
Hill J, Fonagy P, Lancaster G, Broyden N. Aggression and intentionality in narrative responses to conflict and distress story stems: an investigation of boys with disruptive behaviour problems. Attach Hum Dev. 2007;9(3):223–37. Article PubMed Google ...
the industry for uniting in requesting help from federal legislators and also Sens. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) for their quick action in speaking on behalf of the i...
WJTL: listener-supported, Christian radio station. Engaging in community, promoting live events, sharing the Gospel. Serving Central PA since 1984.