The Philadelphia Museum of Art serves the people of Philadelphia, and we must emerge from the COVID-19 crisis as a safe, accessible, and equitable place where all Philadelphians can engage with the arts. For this to be possible, working people must have a seat at the table in museum deci...
CPC Mortgage Company Delivers $5 Million to Refinance Multifamily Building in Philadelphia CPC Launches CPC Mortgage Company LLC, a One-Stop-Shop Specializing in Agency Lending Governor Cuomo Announces Opening of $21.6 Million Affordable Housing Development for Seniors In Town of Webster ...
Agency and Contested Meaning in American Culture-An Introduction -Mary Kupiec Cayton PART I. PUBLIC ACTION Chapter 1. Looking for the Public in Time and Space: The Case of the Los Angeles Plaza from the Eighteenth Century to the Present -Mary P. Ryan Chapter 2. Remembrance, Contestation, ...
Fostering community action by providing funding for community-driven health promotion initiatives is a potential mechanism to address unique local health needs [11,19,20]. There are numerous community health-focused granting programs available at local, regional, and national levels in Canada and beyon...
Buffalo Bills Free Agency Buffalo Bills won’t tender one of their restricted free agents Record-high 2025 salary cap agreed to by NFL and NFLPA Weekend Chat: Which pass rush option is your favorite? Weekend Chat: Which Bills free agent is the most important to retain?
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1983. Chesapeake Bay: A Framework for Action. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Valiela, I., G. Collins, J. Kremer, K. Lajtha, M. Geist, B. Seely, J. Brawley, andC. H. Sham. 1997. Nitrogen loading from coastal watersheds to receiving estuaries: ...
Exposure–response relationships for select cancer and non-cancer health outcomes in a cohort of US firefighters from San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia (1950–2009). Occup Environ Med. 2015;72(10):699–706. Article Google Scholar Kang D, Davis LK, Hunt P, Kriebel D. Cancer incidence ...
BreezeMaxWeb's President & CEO (Andrew Faridani) took part in the silent auction for a vintage David "The Hammer" Schultz Philadelphia Flyers hockey jersey. As you'll see in the picture you can clearly conclude who the winner of "The Hammer" jersey was....
Social Capital in the City: Community and Civic Life in Philadelphia Index Academy of Natural Sciences, 69, 76 ACTION (federal domestic volunteer agency), 212. See also Americorps Administrative Procedure Act (1946), 223–24, 227. See also federal government affirmative action, 13, 178 African...
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Francia G. Portacio Contributions MS provided substantial contributions to the design of the study, the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of the data, as well as the drafting and revision of the manuscript. BSNE ...