COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED pneumoniaantibiotic's usingresistanceTreatment of patients with CAP group II is an outpatient, patients receiving antibiotics per os. Aminopenicillines ( with clavulonate) or cephalosporins are combined with macrolides (azithromycin) in the treatment. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ...
Discusstherationaleforcreatingpediatriccommunity-acquiredpneumonia(CAP)nationalguidelines.DescribecurrentlyrecommendeddiagnosticandtreatmentstrategiesforCAPintheUnitedStates.TM WhyDoWeNeedGuidelines?Roleofguidelines oAssistinhealthcaredecision-makingoReducevariationinclinicalpracticeoLeadtobetterpatientcareand...
Overview Risks Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prevention What is community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)?CAP is a lung infection that you get outside of a hospital or nursing home setting. Your lungs become inflamed and cannot work well. CAP may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.What increases...
Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)社区获得性肺炎 CommunityAcquiredPneumonia(CAP)BradleyK.Harrison,M.D.CAPdefined •Pneumonianotacquiredinahospitaloralong-termcarefacility –Hospitalacquiredpneumonia–Healthcareassociatedpneumonia:otherhealthcarefacilitiessuchasnursinghomes,dialysiscenters,andoutpatientclinics Introductio...
Finnishguidelinesforthetreatmentofcommunity-acquiredpneumoniaandpertussis tinchildren r 12345 TerhiTapiainen,JanneAittoniemi,JohannaImmonen,HeliJylkkä,TuulaMeinander, 678910 KirsiNuolivirta,VillePeltola,EevaSalo,RaijaSeuri,Satu-MaariaWalle,Matti
1、Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)Bradley K. Harrison, M.D.1CAP definedPneumonia not acquired in a hospital or a long-term care facilityHospital acquired pneumoniaHealthcare associated pneumonia: other healthcare facilities such as nursing homes, dialysis centers, and outpatient clinics2Introduction...
百度试题 题目[名词解释] 社区获得性肺炎(communityacquiredpneumonia,CAP) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 指无明显免疫抑制的患儿在院外或住院48小时内发生的肺炎。反馈 收藏
Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is among the leading causes of mortality and severe morbidity espe- cially in elderly population. Despite the efficacy of mod- ern antibiotic treatment, it still ranks as the sixth most common cause of death [1-3]. Prognostic scores, like ...
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most common infectious diseases and is an important cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Typical bacterial pathogens that cause the condition include Streptococcus pneumoniae (penicillin-sensitive a
Surprisingly, the cause of community-acquired pneumonia is never identified in a high proportion of patients, estimated to be up to 50%. The likelihood of particular agents is believed to be influenced by a number of modifying factors: presence of coexisting illness, recent treatment with antibioti...