In partnership with local organizations, MD Anderson’s Be Well Communities team executed and evaluated 16 evidence-based interventions to address community priorities in healthy diets, physical activity, and sun safety. Evaluation included assessing the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions, stakehol...
Peer supporters empowered with contingency management can reduce re-entry barriers (e.g., by making intake appointments, arranging transportation), play the critical role of a recovery-promoting source of emotional support (because prior support networks are often disrupted), and encourage the ...
well below freezing point. In between snow-free and snow covered periods, transitional periods are common. They include freeze–thaw cycles and periods with increased water intake due to precipitation. Snow cover insulates soil, thereby preventing gas exchange and nutrient intake from aboveground, thu...
Trauma Treatment Center Team Meeting on Vicarious Trauma 1. Choose a scarf to represent a strength you have that can help you prevent vicarious trauma. 2. (Break out into dyads ) Choose a scarf to represent a strength you experience your partner that you think can help them prevent or cope...
Cooling towers are a major source of large community-associated outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease, a severe pneumonia. This disease is contracted when inhaling aerosols that are contaminated with bacteria from the genus Legionella, most importantly Leg
[42]. Zhang's team investigated the role of miRNAs in nanovesicles of various plant origins on gut flora remodeling. They found that ginger-derived nanovesicles contained 109 miRNAs. Some of the miRNAs could be detected in the faeces of mice after the administration of these PDNVs, indicating ...
The heart region of the central body (thorax) was reported to maintain a “freshness” (Fig. 5, Fig. 6 below) and was devoid of signs of putrefaction until very late in the process. See Supplement 2 for twice daily images across body regions of assessment period. This attenuated ...
To address some of these central questions of interactions and function, ecological and evolution- ary theory developed for macro systems has begun to be applied to microbial systems. For example, microbiome data derived from 16S rDNA sequencing has been used to estimate population dynamics of ...
The country of Guatemala has a grid infrastructure that is reliant on fossil fuels (41 %), hydroelectric power (31 %), and renewable energy (28 %) (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). While the country produces a surplus of electricity, leading to 1.9 billion kWh of annual exports (2017...
(seeSupplementary Table S6). Demographic data was surveyed via the use of a questionnaire at the time of recruitment. Dietary intake was assessed by CIENI´s nutritionist team by means of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) validated for the Mexican population and three 24-hour dietary ...