posters and the press, Stalin was depicted as a benevolent leader, the protector of Russian women and children, a defender of the ideological traditions of Marx, Engels and Lenin. The reality was that Stalin called himself a Marxist and a communist but...
However, it dispenses with the rule predicted by Marx and Lenin that a capitalist class would usually follow such a struggle, claiming instead to enter directly into socialism through a coalition of classes fighting the old ruling order. The original symbolism of the flag of China derives from ...
However, it dispenses with the rule predicted by Marx and Lenin that a capitalist class would usually follow such a struggle, claiming instead to enter directly into socialism through a coalition of classes fighting the old ruling order. The original symbolism of the flag of China derives from ...
The terms of the treaty were unfavorable to Russia and involved the ceding of large territories to German control, and agreement to pay reparations. This was highly unpopular with a large section of the RSDLP(b), and led to calls by Lenin and Stalin to defend the Soviet fatherland. End o...
the establishment of socialist government; the nationalization of industry and other national resources. Stakhanovism a system of piecework incentives, speedup, and competition for bonuses and honors introduced into Russia in 1935 and named after A. G. Stakhanov, whose prodigious mining output is eon...
During the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc was the collection of countries in Eastern Europe ruled by communist governments and existing under the influence of the Soviet Union. The Eastern Bloc can roughly correspond to the countries within the Warsaw Pact, a defense treaty signed among the communist...
a system of piecework incentives, speedup, and competition for bonuses and honors introduced into Russia in 1935 and named after A. G. Stakhanov, whose prodigious mining output is eonstantly emulated. —Stakhanovite,n., adj. Stalinism
In 1917, the great October Socialist Revolution broke out in Russia under Lenin's leadership. It inspired China's advanced elements to study and publicize Marxism and the ideas of the Revolution. Consequently a group of intellectuals with incipient communist ideas like Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu ...
See alsogovernment;politics;russia. autonomism Bakuninism. Bakuninism a 19th-century theory of revolution in opposition to that of Karl Marx, advocating atheism, destruction of central government, and extreme individualism. Also calledautonomism. ...
Jin concluded that the United States only has three adversaries: “Terrorism is definitely an enemy of the United States. Russia looks like another one … Definitely, the United States treats us as a competitor … It’s not enough.” The professor said that in the past few years, the CCP...