Editor's note:This series introduces the five historical icons of the Communist Party of China (CPC):Chen Duxiu,Li Dazhao,Li Da,Chen Wangdaoand Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist, and the main founder and leader of the Communist Part...
Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in the long revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, securing victory in the new democratic revolution and founding the People's Republic of ...
1.8Kvoters Voting Rules Vote up the communist propaganda posters that offer the most appealing vision of gay family life. In October 1949, Mao Zedong announced the creation of the People's Republic of China. China and Russia had long been allies and now, ascommuniststates, t...
What are we to think of Chairman Mao? A man of immense contradictions — a nationalist, communist, revolutionary, warrior, as well as the author of The Little Red Book, and the leader for decades of the Peoples' Republic of China — he was also one of twentieth-century China's best ...
MAO, Zedong, 1893-1976BUSINESS enterprisesCAPITALISMECONOMIC conditions in ChinaBUSINESS planningCOMMUNISTSAfter more than four decades of economic reform, China is now the world's second-largest economy and a much-desired business partner for multinational corporations around the world. The...
Deng Xiaoping Theory is the product of combining Marxism-Leninism’s basic tenets with practice in contemporary China and the particular features of the era; it is a continuation and development of Mao Zedong Thought under...
Brady, A.-M.CHINA QUARTERLY -LONDON-Kampen, T. (2000). Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and the evolution of the Chinese communist leadership. Copenhagen: NIAS Publishing Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.KAMPEN, THOMAS (2000) Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and the Evolution of the Chinese Communist Leadership...
The journey of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was marked by many important things. The places of these things now also become “red revolutionary bases (革命圣地)”. The “red spirit” has a deep influence on lots of Chinese people, both old 1 young....