2. a group of persons having a common religious faith; denomination: Anglican communion. 3. interchange or sharing of thoughts or emotions: communion with nature. 4. the act of sharing, or holding in common; participation. [1350–1400; Middle English (< Anglo-French) < Latin commūniō sha...
Anglican Communion definition: a group of Christian Churches including the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Episcopal Church in Scotland, the Church in Wales, and the Episcopal Church in the US, all of which are in full communion with each o
Anglican Communion Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Anglican Communion:Anglican Church n (Anglicanism) a group of Christian Churches including the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, the Episcopal Church in Scotland, the Church in Wales, and the Episcopal Church in the US, ...
Church of Eng... Anglican Church Anglican C... Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page:Anglican Communion Facebook Twitter...
The Traditional Anglican Communion describes itself as a worldwide association of orthodox Anglican churches, working to maintain the faith and resist the secularization of the church. Traditional Anglicans ask for communion with Catholics Despite Robinson's optimism, the 77 million-member Anglican Commun...
Anglican Church 1.英国国教 2.(英国)圣公会 anglican catholic phr. 英国天主教会组织 Holy Communion n. 〈宗〉圣餐礼 communion table 祭坛 be of the same communion 是同派教友 communion service n. [基督教]圣餐礼 相似单词 Anglican n. 英国国教徒 a. 英国国教的,英国的,英国人的 Communio...
Between 1800 and 2000, the Church of England gave rise to a global family of churches that became known as the Anglican Communion. The transformation of religious establishment into a series of churches rooted in various cultures but linked by English precedent was unanticipated. As a matter of ...
The AnglicanCommunionis an international association of national Anglican churches. 普世圣公宗的诞生是由于英国圣公会在世界各地建立教会所造成. 互联网摘选 6、 Are those in mortal sin still in fullcommunionwith others? 犯了大罪的人,还能全相通功 么 ?
Define Closed communion. Closed communion synonyms, Closed communion pronunciation, Closed communion translation, English dictionary definition of Closed communion. communion in the Lord's supper, restricted to those who have received baptism by immersio
The services of Word, Water (baptism) and Table (open communion) will follow. THE BULLETIN It led him to espouse passionately the principle of open communion within churches and of political engagement on behalf of the oppressed. A Broad Place: An Autobiography More results ► Dictionary browse...