Such a strategy reveals a complex relationship with the movement, oscillating between active suppression and a seemingly indifferent allowance of its existence, thereby cultivating a terrain rife with “state-sanctioned misogyny” (Han 2018). Consequently, this ambivalence from the state not only ...
This approach nurtures the critical reflexivity of researchers about how they relate to ethical principles and how they translate this into their normative assumptions, practical hypotheses, and methodological strategy. Next to continuous learning, this critical reflexivity on TR as craftmanship can ...
There is little academic research in relation to mentoring, learning and women, particularly in the male-dominated organizational context of the UK Police force. Currently, there is a Home Office drive to address inequality within the UK Police with a nu
where some individuals commit to reproductive or non-reproductive roles, known as queens and workers respectively in the case of insect societies. An overarching mechanistic hypothesis for social evolution is that the repertoire of behaviours typically exhibited in the life cycle of the solitary...
Expertise in research integration and implementation is an essential but often overlooked component of tackling complex societal and environmental problems. We focus on expertise relevant to any complex problem, especially contributory expertise, divided
Social media posts incorporate real-time information that has, elsewhere, been exploited to predict social trends. This paper considers whether such information can be useful in relation to crime and fear of crime. A large number of tweets were collected
12. RCGP [Royal College of General Practitioners] data are producing a similar signal. 13. Investigation is also underway to understand why relatively more BME [Black and Minority Ethnic healthcare workers are dying. 14. PHE has identified a signal—from weak evidence—of South Asian communities...
motivations and normative ambitions and the institutional contexts they are embedded in. This approach nurtures the critical reflexivity of researchers about how they relate to ethical principles and how they translate this into their normative assumptions, practical hypotheses, and methodological strategy....
perception or fantasy of Black predatory violence. This fantasy of Black predatory violence is so ingrained in US culture that a police officer could determine that, to avoid a murder conviction, his most viable legal strategy is to try to convince the twelve jurors tasked with deciding his ...
The students were not informed of the socioeconomic principles, which we elected to offer them for the purposes of our research and why their options differed. They were simply informed that one group had the option of employing the extra strategy, namely, punishment. The purpose of T1 is to...