A child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and a history of aberrant behaviors participated in this study with his mother. The primary purpose of the current study was to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of FCT on decreasing problem behaviors, increasing communication mands, and increasing...
Play time for any child is a critical developmental session. It also happens to be the most conducive for learning language. For children with ASD, interactive play gives them a better platform to communicate with you. There are many games that might interest your child which will promote socia...
This article evaluates the effects of an individualized intervention forchildren with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) based on the principlesof the DIR/FloortimeTM model, which encourages caregivers to followtheir child's emotions and interests and to interact with them in a naturalsocial environment ...
A total of 33 couples and 60 married, female individuals, parents of a child with ASD who was starting school for the first time, completed a pre-test, 14 dairies, and a post-test; diaries were completed every three days over a 42-day period, beginning on the child's first day of ...
Greater communication skills gains were found for individuals using aided compared to unaided AAC, and individuals with ASD made greater gains in communication skills than individuals with intellectual disabilities (Holyfield et al., 2017). A systematic review of studies comparing participant preference ...
Background: Impairments in communication are considered one of the central features of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a complex neurodevelopmental disorder. It is held that even high-functioning individuals with ASD will experience difficulty in conversation due to difficulties with social and nonverbal...
There were 65 child participants in total aged between 3-18 years. Parents reported on 28 children with a developmentalcommunication disorder, including eight with ASD and 20 with DLD. There were also 37 questioned who were typical developing. ...
This 5-month study examined the impact of a behaviorally based naturalistic teaching strategy, milieu teaching, on the communication skills of preschool-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in an early childhood special education (ECSE) classroom. A multiple baseline across participants des...
The study was completed in a 13-day period. In order to control for the effects of the children travelling and acclimating to the treatment environment, no treatment was provided on days 1–7. On these days, the child and his/her parents were instructed to interact with their children in...
with ASD (2) and Rett syndrome (1). Efficacy of the intervention was evaluated using single-case experimental designs. First, functional assessment was used to identify idiosyncratic/potentially communicative responses and contexts for each child. Next, parents implemented functional communication training...