Communication of research findings in peer-reviewed journals: publication bias, timing of publication, conflicting interests and fraudenvironmental epidemiologyethical conflictlitigationtwo-dimensional modelThis paper discusses one ethical conflict facing epidemiologists whose studies are used as the basis for ...
Briefcommunication Peerreviewed Theinfluenceofcanineteethclippingonnursingandnursery pigperformance RonaldO.Bates,MS,PhD;MarkD.Hoge,MS;DavidB.Edwards,MS;BarbaraE.Straw,DVM,PhD Summary Littersthateitherhadtheircanineteeth clippedorleftintacthadsimilarprewean- ingandnurserygrowthandmortalityrates, althoughpigs...
Insights into peer review by language and writing specialists and wordface professionals Academic research in communication disciplines is helping to bring into focus some of the issues peer review research by gatekeepers has so far failed to consider. Some of this research is reviewed here. [See ...
the Special Issue could potentially be of great interest to our readers. Communication and the Public is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes both theoretical and empirical research articles in the broadly defined intersections of ...
Read the latest chapters of Language & Communication at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Additional signaling molecular interactions were gathered from recent peer-reviewed experimental studies. We took into account not only the structural composition of ligand-receptor interactions, that often involve multimeric receptors, but also cofactor molecules, including soluble agonists and antagonists, ...
scholarly journal that publishes peer reviewed articles in the frontier areas of applied sciences,medical and engineering.2.Journals Pub publishes Original Research Articles,Review Articles,Popular Articles,Short Communications and Case Study.3... International Journal of Polymer Science & Engineering Group...
peer-reviewed technical communication a simulation model for the evaluation of the electrical power potential harnessed by a marine current turbine 鈥擨n this paper, optical wireless has been addressed as a promising technology to provide high-bandwidth services for underwater communications. However, th...
Amy Neustein has served as Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Speech Technology since 2008, an ICI indexed journal, with a publication rate of about 90 peer-reviewed articles a year. She is the author/editor of 13 academic books that span various topics from speech and automata...