Additionally, the IEP was examined to determine what instructional goals and objectives were written in the areas of social, behavioral, and communication. Variability among student records made retrieving assessment data difficult. Assessments that had been requested were not always given and assessments...
Communication criteria that are effective, efficient and aim to include six supporting characteristics to say good communication and successfully achieve the goals of communication and social interaction[8]. These characteristics are explained: 1. Communication is a process; communication as a process ...
(2016), PCP places the individual at the center of the planning process; includes family members and friends as key partners in planning; develops goals/objectives that reflect what is most important to the person, their strengths and their support needs; and emphasizes equality and empowerment....
Keywords: foodservice; gastronomic guides; Langa del Barolo; restaurateurs; slow food; TripAdvisor; word-of-mouth; UNESCO; food and wine tourism 1. Introduction The modern consumer has developed a growing interest for quality food and wine, mainly as a result of cultural, ethical, social and ...