2.Communication:ItsImportanceandRolesinYourLife. 3.ResponsibilitiesofParticipants,FormsandBarriers. 4.ElectronicCommunication. 1.Thecase 2.Communication:ItsImpotanceandRolesinYourLife 2.1Whatiscommunication? Theprocessyouusetosendandinterpretmessagessothattheyareunderstoodiscalledcommunication. ...
Chen Xiuping 1073@ SEM,BJTU 1.3沟通的类型 Types of communication * * communication Chen Xiuping 1073@ SEM,BJTU Main content 双向沟通和单向沟通Two way communication and one way communication 正式沟通和非正式沟通Formal and informal communication 言语沟通和非言语沟通Verbal communication and nonverbal ...
It suggest that when you engage another person through communication, you create a relationship that is totally unique, difficult to observe or describe because of its many facets, and although changeable, likely to endure (and affect future encounters) forever. Relationships seldom cease to exist....
The importance of the duty or decision. The more important a duty or decision is in terms of cost or impact on the firm, the less likely it is to be delegated. The complexity of the task. Complex tasks require greater expertise, and decisions about them should be delegated to the people...
Unit1InternetandHuman Communication Introduction Sinceitsbirthinthe1960’s,theInternethasbeengrowingexplosivelythroughouttheworld.Therefore,acquiringcomputerproficiency,particularlyInternet-relatedskills,hasbecomeaprerequisiteforachievingsuccessintoday’sincreasinglydigitalandinterconnectedsociety.[pri:'rekwizit]Introduction W...
The Importance of Body Language An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips. A scared face had high eyebrows and a slightly open mouth. An angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle, as if ready to fight. A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square, as if ready to...
Managing Conflict管理衝突 Functional conflict良性衝突 Conflict that supports and organization’s goals Dysfunctional conflict惡性衝突 Conflict that prevents and organization from achieving its goals Conflict and Organizational Performance衝突與績效 Sources of Conflict衝突來源 Communication differences溝通差異 Arising...
Verbal Intercultural Communication Culture and Word Meaning1.Word differences are obvious in various languages. The relation between word and its meaning is arbitrary(任意的). For example, we live in a house in English, we also live in a casa in Spanish and we still live in a ban in Thai...
Eg. Chinese tend to ask for a favor in a more roundabout and implicit way. No Image 2. Self-Enhancement and Self- Effacement Verbal Styles The self-enhancement verbal style emphasizes the importance of boasting about one’s accomplishments and abilities. Eg. In the classified ads, American ad...