A disease may be present in an infected person in a dormant form, such as TB, or a preclinical stage, such as poliomyelitis (polio) or HIV, without clinical paralytic disease in the case of polio or before clinical AIDS appears in the case of HIV. The virulence or pathogenicity of an ...
Questionnaire has been divided into three main parts consist, form(A) especially for health directorate, form (B) for health sectors, and form (C) for primary health care centers each form contains the basic components, structure; consists of manpower and materials and resources of surveillance ...
Health education: the spread of medical culture, to promote the "treating disease" concept. The form of a questionnaire survey, the old Chinese medicine experts, health care seminars, highlighting the characteristics of Chinese medicine in prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable disease 翻...
Two independent reviewers extracted data using a predesigned data collection form. Main outcome measure was the impact of the selected NCDs on productivity, measured in DALYs, productivity costs, and labor market participation, including unemployment, return to work and sick leave. From 4542 references...
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), notably cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, are largely driven by metabolic syndrome (MetS), a cluster of critical risk factors. Despite extensive research, the progression of MetS, especially in Indones
“out-of-pocket expenditures for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in general and specialized hospitals in addis ababa, ethiopia” [ 29 ]. the questionnaire included: general socio-demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of participants, health care utilization status, insurance ...
SF12 subjective physical health and mental health scores are based on 12 questionnaire items that summarize the overall physical and mental health status of individuals by asking them to answer questions pertaining to several health sub-domains, including general health, physical functioning, role ...
The questionnaire was mainly administered in English although a proportion was administered in the Ghanaian language (Ewe) local to the study setting. To ensure that the use of the local language did not affect the quality of data collected, the training organised for assistants also focused on ...
Ganesan, 2012 India Cross-sectional 1261 Urban diabetics from Chennai >40 Socioeconomic status Low or high fibre diet; scored using a questionnaire Kinra, 2010 India Cross-sectional 1983 1600 villages in 18 states 20–69 Socioeconomic status Low fruit and vegetable intake; <400 g/day Dhungana,...
Monitoring inequalities in non communicable disease risk factor prevalence can help to inform and target effective interventions. The prevalence of current daily smoking, low fruit and vegetable consumption, physical inactivity, and heavy episodic alcohol drinking were quantified and compared across wealth ...