Public Health and the Control of Communicable Disease Organized public health emerged out of the sanitation movement of the mid-nineteenth century, which sought to reduce the environmental and social factors in communicable disease (Box 4.2). Traditionally, the prevention and control of communicable di...
The association between socioeconomic status and non-communicable disease behavioural risk factors is well established in high-income countries, but it is not clear how behavioural risk factors are distributed within LLMICs. We aimed to systematically review evidence on the association between socio...
The top ten causes of death in China are malignant neoplasms (28 percent), heart disease (21 percent), cerebrovascular disease (11 percent), diseases of the respiratory system (5 percent), injury and poisoning (3 percent), endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (3 percent), diseases of...
suggesting oxygen as an important ecological driver of microbial organ dysfunction. The ensuing disruption of gut homeostasis can lead to non- communicable disease because microbiota-derived metabolites are either depleted or generated at harmful concentrations. This Opinion article describes the concept that...
Northern Ohio EMS Academyprovides training & certification for all EMS topics including AED Sales & Training, CPR, First Aid, Communicable Disease, Child Abuse, ACLS, PALS, Paramedic & EMT Refresher classes, Special Topics, etc.
Poor diet generates a bigger non-communicable disease (NCD) burden than tobacco, alcohol and physical inactivity combined. We reviewed the potential effectiveness of policy actions to improve healthy food consumption and thus prevent NCDs. This scoping review focused on systematic and non-systematic rev...
From a broad point of view, an individual’s health is considered not only an absence of disease, but also a fundamental human right (WHO 1986). A comprehensive approach to health highlights its close relationship with social and economic conditions, the physical environment and individual lifestyl...
In the United States, six in ten adults have a chronic disease, and four in ten adults have two or more. Chronic diseases are also leading drivers of the nation’s $3.3 trillion spending on annual healthcare costs (WHO, 2020). Greenspace has long been known to be associated with a ...
have shown that ursolic acid, found in apples, intensifies protein kinase B activity, which aids in glucose tolerance resistance, guarding against type 2 diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver disease. It enables glycolysis initiation and controls insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling. ...