Virginia (vəˈdʒɪnɪə) n (sometimes not capital) a type of flue-cured tobacco grown originally in Virginia Virginia (vəˈdʒɪnɪə) n (Placename) a state of the eastern US, on the Atlantic: site of the first permanent English settlement in North America; cons...
Serving Crozet, Virginia Give 7 Love God Love People Change the World C3 is a Christian community who seeks the following: to honor God and be transformed in His presence, to love our neighbors as much as God has loved us, to develop disciplined followers of Christ that will change our wo...
Virginia Commonwealth University Apparel & Spirit Store Apparel & Alumni Gear, T-Shirts, Hats, Hoodies, Sweatshirts, School Supplies, Gifts, Merchandise & Clothing are available at the Virginia Commonwealth University Apparel & Spirit Store Spirit Shop.
A commonwealth in political union with the United States comprising most of the Mariana Islands (except Guam) in the western Pacific Ocean. The islands were part of the US Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands from 1947 to 1978, when they became internally self-governing. The largest island,...
(用于美国肯塔基、马萨诸塞、宾夕法尼亚和弗吉尼亚四州的正式名称中)州used in the official names of, and to refer to, some states of the US (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia) 3. (与美国联系紧密的)自治政区an independent country that is strongly connected to the US ...
dobusinessinVirginiaanditsaffiliates,subsidiaries,andparents. 7.“Facility”meanstheLumberLiquidators,Inc.manufacturingfacilitylocatedat 1104W.RoslynRoad,ColonialHeights,Virginia. 8.“PRO”meansthePiedmontRegionalOfficeofDEQ,locatedinGlenAllen, Virginia. 9.“VHWMR”meanstheVirginiaHazardousWasteManagementRegulations...
2.7% Hispanic/Latino 2.1% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and American Indian or Alaska Native are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. Faculty & Staff 25 Classroom Teachers ...
OfficeoftheAttorneyGeneral RobertF.McDonnell900EastMainStreet AttorneyGeneralRichmond,Virginia23219 804-786-2071 FAX804-786-1991 VirginiaRelayServices 800-828-1120 7-1-1 September26,2008 TheHonorableKenT.Cuccinelli,II Member,SenateofVirginia 10560MainStreet,SuiteLL-17 ...
(用于美国肯塔基、马萨诸塞、宾夕法尼亚和弗吉尼亚四州的正式名称中)州used in the official names of, and to refer to, some states of the US (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia) 3. (与美国联系紧密的)自治政区an independent country that is strongly connected to the US 4. (用于某...
Since 1956, our practice has offered the highest quality care and state-of-the-art surgical procedures within the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond. Call us today at (804) 354-1600 to schedule a consultation.