one and all, were present within every dimension and strata of humanity. They were tangible in the uplifting and relaxed atmosphere around Westminster and they flanked the cortege; they brought persons from every walk of life together in friendship...
176). Alberti suggests that its warlike song may even have been the origin of the practice among Spartan women of exercising to the sound of the flute. But even greater praise is due to the fly on account of its innocence: ‘in the course of its whole life, the fly commits...
somni, we explored the concept of storytelling as a way to infuse the heritage of his native catalonia. as stories, traditions and memories pass through ages, their translation, meaning and influence evolves as do their visual means of representation. ...
It reflects a bold, forward looking approach that underpins the CGF’s values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny, the collective work of the six regions and the vision of the Movement. It is a brand for the entire movement, created by RBL agency in the UK, and replaces the more internally...
Cawson than of anyone else in Oxford, but recently he’d begun to show signs of quite unsuspected humanity. She sat at the long table with its green baize cloth and dabbed a damp cloth into the tin of powder and polished bowls and dishes and goblets until their very surfaces seemed to...