It is high season for reports and studies relating to piracy. ThelatestWorld Bank report, Pirate Trails, which follows the recentIMB annual reporton the number of piracy incidents as well as theUNSG situation report on piracy in Somalia, is dedicated to the largely unchartered topic of the ill...
And you could find niches in further tech, for example when covid hit semiconductors became scarce in the car industry - but it wasn't the high end ones used in the cars, it was the more simple, older designs as semiconductor firms focussed on high end consumer electronics. There was a ...
A hypothetical example illustrating the above described calculation of the Surcharge is attached as Schedule 3 hereto. --- - SECTION 7. Note. The Borrower's obligation to repay the Loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note in form and content acceptable to CoBank (as the same may be ame...
11. For example, the British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (2013). 26 A prerequisite to a life of success, rather than just a fleeting one, is to be really effective at whatever the current role happens to be. This requires you to decide what matters are important for the role and ...
Analysis of the obtained information showed that the digital transformation of healthcare was taking place in all CIS member states that participated in the study. However, not all member states had a defined and confirmed national digital health strategy. For example, in three out of seven partic...
Fees are often calculated using algorithmic software built into a cryptocurrency exchange, but they can also be entered manually.[34]The rates for fees and the manner in which they are collected varies depending on the exchange; for example, the transaction fees of Kraken involve taking into acco...
Since it was formed in 2009 City Property has been identifying how, in the present economic climate, they can introduce new ways to sustain and kick start development within the city. As owners of the Tontine building, this is a shinning example of that advanced thinking. ...
theChicago Board Options Exchange Clearing Corporation. Clearing volumes have increased dramatically since its launch, reflecting the growing use of equity options. In 2001, for example, the clearinghouse sported average daily volumes of 3.1 million contracts.[8]In 2016, average daily volume was 16.1...
In some markets, such as agricultural commodities, basis can be influenced by seasonal factors. For example, the basis for wheat futures might vary depending on the time of year and the crop's harvest cycle. Basis can also be affected by storage costs for certain commodities. If the cost of...
Normally, in a centralized system for example, this process would be carried out automatically by a powerful central computer or server - in a decentralized system, that task is carried out by hundreds, if not thousands of individual computers globally through the Internet. The data is sent ...