good lesson to me. thanks, i can now differentaite the two words Thank you again Rebecca. Your lessons are very helpful. Marcos Thanks. geop147 Hi Rebecca, may ı ask you a question? in the your lesson, “OF”, you said that we used this word with objects, things that was not ...
Hi Ms.Rebecca, Thank you so much, i was really confused this two words how do used. anyway i achived in quiz 10 out of 10! Ramzan Hosen Bhuia thank you asala Thank you for presenting these lessons in a manner that is easy to understand. Also I’m thankful for giving these free. ...
What are directive words? Name three commonly used directive words used by lecturers in setting assignment questions? How is "brainstorming" used in assignment preparation? What's the difference between a mind map, concept map and spider diagram and how can they be used in assignment preparation...
This phrase, “catch up over”, is used frequently among old friends or people who haven’t seen each other in awhile. “Let’s catch up over lunch!” “Would you like to catch up over drinks tomorrow night? “We should catch up over dinner. Are you free tonight? As stated in the...
Rhythm (n):a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that used in music, poetry, and dancing. Example: I love listening to the rhythm of the falling rain. It makes me feel calm. 15. Seize – Sieze Seize (v):to take something quickly and keep or hold it. ...
分享24赞 深圳雅思吧 新东方IELTS 雅思口语中如何表达才更地道?而“less common”指的是“commonly used by native speakers”——哦!所以,上面的句子可以升级成什么呢?静文老师:别急嘛!来,让我们先来了解一下什么叫做“phrasal verbs”!先来看一下这个句子:... +19 分享1赞 老麦英语课堂吧 蓝shirt 英语里...
The test is used by government agencies, schools and professional organizations in one hundred and twenty countries. And, yes, that includes the United States. The many American schools that accepted the IELTS can be found on the Web ...
面试空乘(空姐)常用中英文问题2(Interview flight attendant (flight attendant) commonly used in Chinese and English 2) Civil Aviation University of China; Civil Aviation Flight University; Nanchang Hangkong University; Beijing Civil Aviation Management Institute; Civil Aviation College Guangzhou; Shenyang Aer...
(flightattendant)commonlyusedinChineseandEnglish2) CivilAviationUniversityofChina;CivilAviationFlight University;NanchangHangkongUniversity;BeijingCivil AviationManagementInstitute;CivilAviationCollege Guangzhou;ShenyangAerospaceUniversity;SanyatourismCareer Academy;ZhengzhouInstituteofAeronauticsIndustry ...
It is singular, but we use it to refer to all the people in a group, one at a time. These words can be used in positive sentences. Example: I think everyone loves ice cream. Let’s buy some for dessert. Anyone/ anybody is singular and is used in negative sentences and in ...