Enables CMake's --debugger while running directly-invoked CMake scripts like triplet files (for example: x64-windows.cmake) or portfile.cmake files.The <debugger-pipe> value is passed as --debugger-pipe on the CMake command line.
CBS_E_STORE_CORRUPTION; CBS store is corrupted.Corruption in the Windows Component Store.Repair the component store withDism RestoreHealthor manually repair with the payload from the partially installed component. From an elevated command prompt and run these commands: ...
Windows Command Prompt Copy LoadState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml \\server\share\migration\mystore /progress:Progress.log /l:LoadState.log /mu:fareast\user1:farwest\user1 Command-line problemsThe following sections describe common command-line problems. Expand the section to see ...
wmic path Win32_Fan get DeviceID,Status:获取风扇的设备ID和状态。 wmic path Win32_Process get Name,CommandLine:获取进程的名称和命令行。 wmic path Win32_Printer get Name,PrinterStatus:获取打印机的名称和状态。 wmic path Win32_VideoController get Name,DriverVersion:获取视频控制器的名称和驱动版本。
The User32.dll problem that you are experiencing may be addressed by a Windows product update. To open Windows Update, follow these steps: ClickStart, and then clickRun. Copy and paste (or type) the following command in theRunbox, and then press ENTER: ...
WindowscommonlyusedcommandCMD(command)2007-11-01,13:55: netstat-an.ThiscommandshowsalltheIPconnectionsthatare establishedwiththelocalcomputer Two:Netstarttochecktheservice,andthenuse"netstop server"toprohibitservice Three:netuser,checktheuseronthecomputer,usethe"net ...
The Windows Common Controls support only the Unicode character set, and not the ANSI character set. If you build your application on the command line, use both of the following define (/D) compiler options to specify Unicode as the underlying character set: ...
Windows Embedded CE debugging shell tool. This module communicates with the Platform Builder Target Control window. Exposes no public functions. This module is included in the full version and in the kernel version of the OS. shell.lib shellcelog CELog shell (target Command Prompt window) helper...
Windows Find an equivalent package manager tohomebrew, and use it to installgitandyarn(or install them and their dependencies manually:git:https://github.com/git-guides/install-git,yarn:https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install) Then proceed to theCommonsection ...
Glances an Eye on your system. Atop/htopalternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems. gtop System monitoring dashboard for terminal. hyperfine A command-line benchmarking tool. gping ping, but with a graph.