garden, natural area, or lawn, and establish a weed-free perimeter. Mow or mulch the area or pull or dig up weeds as they emerge. You’ll help to reduce the number of new weed seeds in the area you want to protect. Also, a good trimmer can make it easier to reach weeds along ga...
“Celebration” bermuda is resistant to gnawing from ground pearls, more so in heavy rather than sandy soils.Take good care of your lawn. You can’t prevent insects from munching on your lawn, but you can strengthen your lawn so that insects that munch don’t do as much damage to the ...
Manage common lawn weeds the organic wayDiscusses how to prevent and manage lawn weeds in organic way. Eight common lawn weeds; Description of the weeds; Factors that contribute to the growth of the weeds. INSET:...
Using too much mulch is one of those bad home habits you need to stop immediately. While mulch can help retain the moisture in your soil and suppress the growth of weeds, it can also create a favourable environment for moulds if applied too thickly, or if it becomes compacted. ...
Unfortunately, grasses that are highly allergenic are common on lawns and in fields. They include: Bermuda Kentucky bluegrass Orchard Timothy Ryegrass Grass Pollen TipKeep your lawn cut short to help prevent grass from flowering and releasing pollen ....
Focuses on how weeds, by spoiling the uniform appearance of a lawn, make the landscape look unkempt. Weeds as prolific seed producers; Remedies; Cultural practices; How and when to use herbicides; Ca...
Common Weeds of Louisiana Lawns and LandscapesRonald Strahan
(WSSA group 4) in the picolinic acid chemical family. It controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds. Clopyralid is particularly good at controlling weeds in theAsteraceae, such as Canada thistle, common ragweed, and horseweed. Clopyralid is translocated through the symplast, accumulates in the ...