Common Words Provide Homes for Mice, FliesDid you know there's a mouse in "erosion" and a fly in "musket"? Let's play exterminator and...By KyffRob KyffRob
Squirrels enter homes through damaged fascia boards, broken vents, and torn screens. Tree limbs touching home exteriors or roofs give the rodents easy access, too. To help identify squirrel droppings or an infestation in your home or business, call Western Pest Services and speak with a professi...
Not everything requires harsh chemicals, and more companies are finding ways to treat pest issues naturally or relocate mice and other rodents. Don’t be afraid to try natural remedies, taking gradual steps in your fight against invaders. Many people like to try with prevention, then natural or...
The house mouse transmits viruses, destroys your insulation, and chews your wires—accounting for 25% of house fires with unknown origins. Here are some simple tips for getting rid of micenaturally. Step 1) Make your house less attractive to mice Do you have a dirt crawlspace? Is there a ...