HYACINTHCassia fasciculataGOLDEN CASSIACastilleja coccineaINDIAN PAINTBRUSHCicuta maculataWATER HEMLOCKCirsium discolorFIELD THISTLEClaytonia virginicaSPRING BEAUTYComandra umbellataBASTARD TOAD-FLAXConyza canadensisHORSEWEEDConyza ramosissimaDWARF FLEABANECoreopsis lanceolataLANCE COREOPSISCoreopsis palmataPRAIRIE COREOPSIS...
US and Australia.. Their scientific name,Trapa, comes from the Latin wordcalcitrappa, which means "thistle". Its seed pods, which have a variety of pointed and hooked appendages, explain the name. It is entirely separate from commercially-grown water chestnuts, which are in a different genus...