steam banks, shady areas, ditches, and moist meadows in Missouri. In biennial mode, it produces a low-growing rosette of leaves in the first year and tall flower stems in the second year.
Trees structure the Earth’s most biodiverse ecosystem, tropical forests. The vast number of tree species presents a formidable challenge to understanding these forests, including their response to environmental change, as very little is known about most
William T. Davis(122) Young June Lee(2) Tribe(509) Arenopsaltriini(2) Ayuthiini(3) Carinetini(8) Cicadatrini(4) Cicadettini(14) Cicadini(11) Cosmopsaltriini(4) Cyclochilini(6) Dundubiini(26) Fidicinini(33) Gaeanini(17)
Identify that fuzzy caterpillar you found with the help of this quick, easy, and authoritative guide, including pictures and descriptions of 20 caterpillars and moths.
custard apple, custard apple tree - any of several tropical American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp Asimina, genus Asimina - pawpaw Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
dark green leaves appear on rootless stems that do not spread or climb, but do produce round, umbrella-like clusters of greenish-white flowers in early fall followed by blue-black berries. The plant is found growing in forests, forest edges, rocky places, forest floors, trees, rocky and sha...
You can use lilac as an attracting tool for animals. Lilac lures birds by creating natural nesting, and they feel safer from other animals and this cause birds to feed on insects as insects grow many in numbers on lilac trees and bushes. Butterflies also work to help pollinate other garden...
Louis have linked a newly discovered tree in Costa Rica to a long-known--but now enigmatic--tree in Africa. Strong botanical evidence that Africa and the Americas were once joined; Barry Hammel, the Garden's associate curator; Species of the trees--Lepidobotrys staudtii and Ruptiliocarpon ...
Sassafras is native from southwestern Maine west to New York, extreme southern Ontario, and central Michigan; southwest in Illinois, extreme southeastern Iowa, Missouri, southeastern Kansas, eastern Oklahoma, and eastern Texas; and east to central Florida. It is now extinct in southeastern Wisconsin ...
When snow is especially wet, it weighs down trees and brings down power lines. Roofs can cave in under the pressure and roads can become very icy. The power lines have cut off electricity to more than 100,000 homes and businesses in the Midwest. As snow falls and the temperature ...