proactive responses toward personal and community safety -- organize or do something socially active write about your experience -- in detail, just for yourself or to share with others People are usually surprised that reactions to trauma can last longer than they expected. It may take weeks, mo...
Although the control of inflammatory responses reduces organ damage and early mortality, it comes at the expense of increased vulnerability to infection due to either activation of latent viruses or secondary infection with pathogens and increased risk of mortality [44–46]. Thus, endotoxin-mediated ...
In addition, the impact of stressors or traumas on the development or maintenance of anxiety symptoms needs to be assessed. Common fears among infants include loud noises, being dropped, and later normal separation anxiety. Toddlers typically experience fear of imaginary creatures (monsters) and ...
Home > Section > Chapter Kirkpatrick, D.R. Behaviour Research and Therapy 22(2): 141-150 1984 ISSN/ISBN:0005-7967 6608941 10.1016/0005-7967(84)90102-5 004688427 Article emailed within 0-6 h Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
"They're going to experience trauma from this event, because it's activating all these stress responses in their brain and in their body," she said. "When it keeps happening, the same response is going to happen as well. They're going to keep freezing, they're going to keep fleeing....
13 Innate immune responses are important in limiting the spread of respiratory viral infections within the lung and defects in some of the components of the innate immune system are associated with more severe disease. Low levels of interferon gamma and substance P in the airways have been ...
* Before they carried out their crimes, more than 80 percent of mass shooters displayed signs of crises, including a marked change in behavior noticeable to others. This includes exaggerated emotional responses, an increased interest in violence, and signs of hopelessness....
A ground-breaking work from a renowned trauma expert reveals a problem that profoundly affects us all - and shows what we can do about it. Every single day, whether we realize it or not, we witness and are affected by violence - often with serious, long-term consequences. ...
Trauma and life experiences are also critical. Yale’s Joel Gelernter has identified specific genetic variants associated with vulnerability to addictions. However, genetic characteristics interact with environmental factors in the development of substance use disorders. Myth 2: People must hit ...
family plays a large role in the process, with each family unit seen as completely unique. This is one of the family interventions that can be useful for strengthening the family environment to help an adolescent who may be experiencing a mental health condition, substance abuse, or trauma. ...