especially when this is added to the challenge of reading all the symbols and deciphering the conventions that might be used by a particular draftsperson or designer
Regardless, the associations are there, and there is power in that, as well as in a name; symbols and names such as Sītā and Draupadī hold in themselves potential to be approached as mediums through which we can understand gender programming, socio-cultural gender relations and the moral b...
3. Using inconsistent formatting Diagrams are a language of their own, which means you can’t always choose shapes or other elements at random because there may be existing meaning and logic to them. For example, look at a few of the standardsymbols in a flowchart: Oval:Start or end of ...
using temporary_speech_mark_placeholderinthe place of any speech marks. --clean-git-repo clean out any'bad'localgit repository you already have. --create-debug-image create a debug-image archive with the debug symbols. --create-jre-image create the legacy JRE imageinaddition to the JDK imag...