Occupational last names make up some of the most common surnames found in the United States today, most notably Smith, which has been the most common last name in the USA for decades. Other names like Knight, Prince, Baker, Farmer, and Tanner all came about due to this naming tactic. Th...
Certainsurnamesare particularly common among the Amish, due to the fact that certain founders in this community had oversized influence on following generations. Some family names are found in particular communities and regions. Midwest Amish Names Milleris the most common Amish name, seen most preval...
Second, we use all the US BoardEx available data to create a dictionary of surnames and their corresponding ethnicities. Whenever a surname is associated to more than one ethnicity, we retain the most frequent one, and when we could not identify the most likely ethnicity (e.g., the surname...
Last Name Surname Required text field Allow space for display of a minimum of 15 characters to reduce errors entering longer surnames. Last names may contain both spaces and hyphens. First Initial Replaces first name in DBI, where space is limited. Required text field for DBI Not used in oth...
Tore Koll is a match, but the common ancestor is his daughter Karen The Koll/Skiftun family is a well known noble family from Hordaland so lots of people have them in their trees; in fact, the second time I ran this tool there were 2 more matches with that ancestor in the list. It...