Smith, along with Johnson, Miller, Jones, Williams, and Anderson make up most of the most common surnames by state.But there are still regional differences. If you are in the Northwest, you are more likely to come across an Anderson than a Brown, which is slightly more common on the Eas...
Oneita– According toBehind the Name, the similar nameOneidacomes “from the name of a Native American tribe” and might mean “standing rock.” I found this one in northern Indiana, which has a tradition of Native American place names, at least (Shipshewana, Topeka, etc). Let us...
Appropriately, you'll find Colon near the bottom of the state, just north of the Indiana line. Climax Google Maps Climax Climax is a village in Kalamazoo County, just southwest of Battle Creek. Dick Google Maps Dick Dick is a small town (size doesn't matter) just north of the bridge in...
Last Name Surname Required text field Allow space for display of a minimum of 15 characters to reduce errors entering longer surnames. Last names may contain both spaces and hyphens. First Initial Replaces first name in DBI, where space is limited. Required text field for DBI Not used in oth...
A Family Tree genealogy website researching Higgins, Devaney, Hart, McDonough, Noone, Beirne, McGovern, Mulvihill, Haberle, O`Hara and other surnames.