儿科常用药剂量(Common dose in pediatrics) 青霉素 2.5 - 5万u, 分2 - 4次; iv / id 5 25万u, 分3 - 4次. 苯唑西林 iv 50 to 100mg / kg, 均分3 - 4次, 生理盐水稀释. 氯唑西林 iv / id 80 - 200 mg / kg, 分3 - 4次. 阿洛西林 iv / id 80 - 50mg / kg, 分2 - 4次....
21,22,−23]. Briefly, PHH of prematurity is caused by the rupture of blood vessels within the germinal matrix, a transient anatomical region in the developing human brain home to neural and glial precursor cells. Extravasation of blood into the ventricles constitutes intraventricular hemorrhage...