This biosimilar is to be administered into the vein. This medication can be given with other chemotherapy agents or be given alone which will depend on the status of the breast cancer. Because Trazimera is so similar to Herceptin, it has similar possible side effects. These include rash, cou...
A6.nAnunanlusaul msuomf porfepcirpecitiaptiitoantio(bna(rbsa),rms),emaneannaunanlutaelmtpemerpaeturarteu(rTe-y(Tea-yre),adr)a,ydoafypoifnepibnuedbbuudrst (BBbTu;rDstO(BYB=T;DDaOyYO=fDYaeyarO),faYnedary)e, anrsdoyfemarassosfomuatbssreoauktbsr(edaakrsk(dgarerky gcorelyumconlus)...