MSK144 MSK144 is a Minimum Shift Keying FSK signal used for amateur radio meteor-scatter contacts. It transmits 144 bit long packets at a baudrate of 2000 bps using frequencies 1000 and 2000 Hz. 30 MHz— 440 MHz FM MSK 2.5 kHz Worldwide MSM-1250 Modem MSM-1250 (Medium Speed Modem)...
the shield wire effectively becomes two conductors when taking into account its inner and outer surfaces. At these high frequencies the balun is acting as a choke which keeps these two high-frequency conductors separate from one another, and keeps all the noise on the outside of the shield wir...
Named for its introduction by the Radio Corporation of America. Other names include cinch connector, phono connector, and some odd ones out like the Dutch calling it a tulpstekker (after tulips, because of course). See also: