打开您的不和谐,登录。转至Common Sense Machines(CSM) Discord 频道并进入“Image-to-3D”页面。 Discord频道:https://discord.com/invite/csmai Common Sense Machines官方网站:https://www.csm.ai/ 按文本框并输入“/get3d”,然后选择带有 CSM 徽标的那个。 输入您想要的图像、URL 或提示。然后选择您想要的...
Common Sense Machines(CSM)官方使用教程:2D转3D篇 首先,访问 CSM 网站,然后使用您的 Google 帐户或 Discord 帐户登录或创建帐户。 登录后,您将看到您的主页。在最顶部,您将看到几个选项,其中包括我们的一些可用工具。您需要单击“图像转 3D”按钮。 单击该按钮后,您应该会看到此弹出窗口。您可以在此处上传要用于...
Kiln scripts are fast and cheap to the point where it makes sense to expose even small pieces of Lisp functionality to the shell.Command-line options parsers👍 Clingon - a rich command-line options parser system. it may have the richest feature set: subcommands, generation of bash ...
Kiln scripts are fast and cheap to the point where it makes sense to expose even small pieces of Lisp functionality to the shell.Command-line options parsers👍 Clingon - a rich command-line options parser system. it may have the richest feature set: subcommands, generation of bash ...
Relatedly, other work provides preliminary evidence that DALL·E 2 is limited with respect to common sense, anaphora relations, negation, and number (Marcus et al., 2022). DALL·E 2 also does not adhere to a more fundamental parsing constraint that each word typically has a single role in ...
The nickname might not make much sense, but there is no denying the sweetness of his stats (25 tournament wins to date). The MFCA recently named Baxter “The Greatest Coach Ever,” which presumably puts him alongside the likes of Lombardi, or at least Belichick. ESPN has aired some ...
Kiln scripts are fast and cheap to the point where it makes sense to expose even small pieces of Lisp functionality to the shell.Command-line options parsers👍 Clingon - a rich command-line options parser system. it may have the richest feature set: subcommands, generation of bash ...
官方Discord:https://discord.com/ Common Sense Machines(CSM)官网:https://www.csm.ai/ Common Sense Machines(CSM)专题:https://heehel.com/topic/csm 这个视频是关于Common Sense Machines(CSM)生成的3D资产在Blender 中快速合并模型的教程。视频中展示了如何调整网格、平滑不需要的区域、重新划分、UV 贴图、...
Common Sense Machines(CSM)官网:https://www.csm.ai/ 官方Discord:https://discord.com/ Common Sense Machines(CSM)专题:https://heehel.com/topic/csm 如何在 CSM Discord 上使用Common Sense Machines的风格包功能 这个视频演示了如何在CSMDiscord 上使用他们的风格包功能来让任何照片具有特定的风格。视频中展...
Kiln scripts are fast and cheap to the point where it makes sense to expose even small pieces of Lisp functionality to the shell.Command-line options parsers👍 Clingon - a rich command-line options parser system. it may have the richest feature set: subcommands, generation of bash ...