“卡门森思”,作为一家总部坐落于美国马萨诸塞州的独立市场调研公司,以“common sense advisory”的名义运营。其专业领域集中在翻译、口译、本地化及国际化方面,旨在为全球语言服务行业的企业提供深入的市场分析和调查报告,以及经验交流平台。自2000年成立以来,每年定期发布的“全球语言服务市场报告”已然...
euroscript International的首席執行長Mark Evenepoel表示,「我們一直密切注意Common Sense Advisory公司所發佈的多項新趨勢。我們分析市場,傾聽客戶回饋,如此才能妥善規劃未來的業務。進入中國大陸就是一個很好的例子。年初我們決定進入亞洲市場,並在蘇州成立了辦事處,因為亞洲的語言服務市場成長潛力巨大,我們不能忽視。」 ...
著名调查机构美国Common Sense Advisory公司于2009年5月发布了全球大型语言服务供应商2008年度排名报告。报告称,全球语言服务行业发展呈上升态势,尽管在2008年度由于受全球金融危机影响增势减缓,但总体发展态势良好。 此次排名的考量对象以通过投资各种形式的语言服务而获利的公司或部门为主,从公司性质上看,全球排名前30的...
7月8号,国际知名语言服务咨询公司CSA Research发布《The Largest Language Service Providers: 2021》(2021年全球百强语言服务提供商)榜单,精艺达再次跻身全球语言服务提供商100强。 Common Sense Advisory(CSA)是一家总部设在美国马萨诸塞州的独立市场调研公司,主要从事翻译、本地化、全球化和国际化等领域的研究工作。...
12、a little common sense 一点常识 13、common sense advisory 常识咨询 14、common sense rules 常识规则 15、it is a common sense 这是常识 16、no common sense 没有常识 17、lack of common sense 不明事理 18、raise common sense 提高常识
according to new research by Common Sense Advisory, these words are getting cheaper. The net result of global supply, advances in technology, economic troubles, and more aggressive buyers has conspired to drive down the prices of most major and up-and-coming language pairs since the firm last ...
13、common senseadvisory 常识咨询 14、common senserules 常识规则 15、it is acommon sense这是常识 16、nocommon sense没有常识 17、lack ofcommon sense不明事理 18、raisecommon sense提高常识 19、common sensemedia 常识媒体 重点词汇 commonadj. 普通的;通俗的;[数学]公共的;共有的 n. [法律](对土地...
use common sense To make use of sound, practical judgment. Often used as an exhortation. A possessive adjective can be used between "use" and "common."You have to wash your hands before you bandage a wound. Come on, use some common sense!Please, don't drive during this snowstorm. Use...
You will too, trust me! Just keep learning and use common sense, compare and talk to more people to learn from their experience. Read:Best Solo Travel Quotesto push your confidence 10. Go for unsafe Hostels Saving money is important when traveling on a shoe-string budget. Of course!
Define commonsensically. commonsensically synonyms, commonsensically pronunciation, commonsensically translation, English dictionary definition of commonsensically. Adj. 1. commonsense - exhibiting native good judgment; "arrive home at a reasonable hour"