共同申报准则CommonReportingStandard.pdf,共同申报准则(Common Reporting Standard) 2016年7月 《共同申报准则》 (Common Reporting Standard, “CRS”)概述 什么是共同申报准则(CRS)? 哪些机构会受到影响? • 共同申报准则是经济合作与发展组织(OECD) • 金
PDF (308.4 KB) FAQs for Clients What is Common Reporting Standard ("CRS")? The CRS for Automatic Exchange of Information ("AEOI"), endorsed by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) refers to the automatic exchange of financial account information between jurisdictions for tax...
Under the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), Mizuho Bank, headquartered in Japan, is required to request you to provide us with your foreign status, including, but not limited to, country of residence for tax purposes, date of birth (individuals only) and
CRS是一套金融机构尽职调查和申报的标准,为推动国际税收事务而制订出的一套有关国际税务情报自动交换的新标准。其本质是为了全球性的抵制偷税漏税而在不同国家之间进行自动报告财务信息 CRS共同申报准则_百度百科:CRS共同申报准则_百度百科 一文读懂CRS(2017专业版):一文读懂CRS(2017专业版) FATCA, BEPS, CRS, 步步...
供具控制權之人使用的CRS自我證明表格(CRS-CP) (692KB, PDF): 此表格供特定實體具控制權之人使用。此類實體在CRS下稱為“消極非金融機構實體”,包括使用滙豐銀行服務之部份信託基金、基金會以及部分受管理投資實體且非位於應申報國家/地區或參與國家/地區。此表格由(通過所有權或其他方式)具控制此類實體的人士...
In July 2014, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) released a new global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information between governments. The standard has two components: the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) which sets forth reporting and due diligence ...
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) Common Reporting Standard (CRS) sets forth a globally-coordinated approach to the disclosure of information regarding income earned by individuals and organisations. CRS is the result of extensive work from the OECD, the G20 and ...
Commercial Banking – mainland China To help fight against tax evasion and protect the integrity of tax systems, governments around the world are introducing a new information-gathering and reporting requirement for financial institutions. This is known as the Common Reporting Standard (“the CRS”) ...
Treasury and Trade Solutions February 2016 Tax Initiatives – The Common Reporting Standard The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) The Common Reporting Standard - Overview The Common Reporting Standard ("CRS") is a new tax initiative being driven by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and ...