It's oneofthemostcommonquestionsadultsaskchildren:whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?Althoughchildhoodissupposedtobefun,kidsalsodiscussimportanttopicsregardingtheirfutures.Now,anewstudyfindsthatchildrenwhosetbiggoalsregardingtheirfuturestatusandeducationoftensetthemselvesupforsuccessastheyage.Thefindings,publishedintheJourn...
especially where the tooth meets the gumline. Once your toddler is able to spit out, use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on the brush. Families should ask their dentist to demonstrate proper toothbrushing during the child's dental visit. ...
One of the most common questions parents ask me is,“How,in this competitive world,can you raise kind children” My answer is“to begin by being a adult”. When your child you go the extra mile to help a friend,he will naturally this as the right way to live.We are mirrors for our...
题目 One of the most common questions parents ask me is,“How,in this competitive world,can you raise kind children” My answer is “to begin by being aadult”. When your child you go the extra mile to help a friend,he will naturallythis as the right way to live. We are mirrors fo...
。 童年 志或成就辉煌未来It's one of the most common questions adulls ask children: what do you want to be when you grow up Although childhood is supposed to be fun, kids also discuss important topics regarding their futures. Now, a new study finds that children who set big goals regardi...
It’s one of the most common questions adults ask children: what do you want to be when you grow up? Although childhood is supposed to be fun, kids also discuss important topics regarding their futures. Now, a new study finds that children who set big goals regarding their future status ...
Parents with an introverted child need to accept their child’s social style. However, there are ways they can help their child learn to make friends. Bring an ice-breaker with you, such as a toy or pet, to help draw kids to your child while visiting a park or other activities. Get ...
One of the most common questions parents ask me is,"How,in this competitive world,can you raise kind children?" My answer is "to begin by being a__1__adult".When your child__2__yougo the extra mile to help a friend, he will naturally__3__this as the right way to live. We ...
One of the most common questions parents ask me is.“ this competitive world.can you raise kind children My answer is “to begin by being a adult . When your child you go the extra mile to help a friend.he will naturally this as the right way to l
39. 解析:文中提到的是孩子的教育问题,因此此处应该用kids。我们是孩子的镜子。答案:B 40. 解析:根据句意“当孩子们看到你的善良之举时就会知道从哪里开始做起了”可知,此处用where。答案:C 41. 解析:下文提到的stomachaches有暗示。答案:D 42. 解析:rush更能形象地表达孩子对大人的担心和关心。答案:C 43...