unit chargeGauss's LawElectric field intensity and electric potentialElectric field of point charge, charged sphere(conducting and nonconducting), straightcharged conductor, plane charged sheetCapacitance, types of capacitors, capacitance ofparallel plate capacitor, series and parallelcombination of capacitors...
Stacked devices offer one potential solution to the problem of excessive voltage. Challenges in regards to voltage handling capacity of a single device are imposed in circuit design. For example, in radio frequency (RF) power amplifier design, efficiency and cost often dictate use of stacked ...
The effective capacitance of the common mode port serves as a critical metric for assessing the common mode noise suppression capability of transformers in power converters. Conventionally, the evaluation of transformers in single-ended topologies, such as flyback converters, using a network analyzer ...
The inverter using SVPWM is a three-phase power supply, and the sum of its three phase voltages may not necessarily be equal to zero. The arithmetic mean of the three phase voltages is defined as the common-mode voltage. In the inverter–motor system, the potential difference between the st...
Some methods propose adding an auxiliary circuit into the main circuit, which can control the DC side capacitor and realize symmetrical control of the neutral point potential [4,5,6]. However, these methods require additional power switching devices, which reduces the reliability of the system and...
Generally speaking, the switch has been substituted by a voltage or current source to represent the electric potential fluctuation. By replacing the switch waveform with the trapezoid, the simulation process was simplified and the predicted conducted emissions could match the experimental results around ...